westhafenpier location frankfurt eventformate


Data according to § 5 TMG:

Westhafen Pier 1 GmbH
Rotfeder-Ring 1 
60327 Frankfurt


Tel.: 069 26 01 000-20
Fax: 069 26 01 000-47

Founder and CEO: H. Grebe
Commercial Registry: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
HRB: 79865
USt-IdNr.(VAT ID): DE 248095307
Steuer-Nr.(Tax number): 04724823693

Design and realization of website:

Copyright and ownership

Layout and design of contents in total as well as individual elements are subject to copyright protection. Further use and reproduction are permitted for private purposes only, and without any changes being made. Public use of the material is subject to permission on behalf of the owner. The contents of this website are continuously updated, checked and expanded. However we cannot take any guarantee or liability for the correctness and completeness of the included information provided. Claims of liability against us, which correlate on material or immaterial damages, as well as consequential damages, which are caused by the use or the disuse of the presented information respectively caused by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are strictly excluded insofar as we have not acted intentionally or grossly negligently. We reserve the right to make changes and/or additions to the provided information.